Crow n o f T horn s - for me Y ou took & You Accepted beatings on behalf of me. W ash my Sins away L ord – Y ou Cleanse me with your Precious Blood 6. Its not me w ho i s li vin g – B ut for You Jesus live within me. Pri de an d All of my W eal th – Is of no value from now on. You can go to any song by entering the song number. You can go to any song by selecting the name of the song from the list. You can add your favorite songs in the favorite list for quick access. All t hes e wor ldl y plea sur es – I Just throwed it away, as its of no use 3. Tamil Christian Song Book application has 1550 Tamil Christian songs lyrics. My bod y b elo ngs to you – I n w hic h I wish you Dwell for ever 2. Now you can get all the lyrics of Kannada Christian Songs in English and Tamil. En P avam Suma ndhu Kon deer – En Noighal Yetru Kondeer Slave, I am for you Oh God Y ou take Control on me My Lord! My Master! I place me as a Slave, you Take Control 1. BIBLE VERSE MATT FINISHING IMAGE HANGING HOOK SAFETY LOCK MDF BOARD. Mul Mud i En aka gh a – I yya KasaiAddi Enakagha 7. En P ava m Man niT har ull um – Um Rakt-thatal Kaluvividum 6. V alv ath u Nan All a – en nil Y esuve Valhindreer 5. Pe rum ai S elv am El lam – Ein i Verumai EndruNarnden 4. Ula ga Inb am Ell am- Nan Udari T alli Vitt en 3.
En Uda l Uma ku ’c Son dam - I dh il En Nalum Vasam Seiyum 2. Admain Nana Andavare – Ennai Attkolum Yen Deyvame Deiyvame Deiyvame Admai Nan Attkollum 1.